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Afrikaans Addisionele Taal: Kommunikatiewe Program vlak 2

The programme was designed by me, Marieta Brand.

I have more than 35 years teaching experience and during this time, especially in the last few years, I wanted to design something to help teachers and learners to communicate in Afrikaans, therefore the focus is on listening and speaking. The programme is finally done and with the eight posters per grade, each representing two or more themes, the learning becomes easier because of the posters being the visual aids.

Here are some guidelines as to how the programme should be presented.

Teacher puts the poster up on the board.

Die onderwyser sit die plakkaat op teen die bord.

Instructions for the Audio file (MP3)

The audio will help all English-speaking learners to improve their ability to speak Afrikaans.

It was developed as an aid both for the use in the classroom and at home. It can be used for any age group, depending on their level.

The audio tracks corresponds with the written manual and can be used by the teacher to let the learners hear the correct pronunciation of the words.

Right through the programme the teacher speaks first or use the audio track, the learners listen and answer the question in Afrikaans, e,g

Regdeur die program praat die onderwyser eers, die leerders luister en beantwoord die vraag in Afrikaans, bv.:


Teacher: The whole family is at the sea. Die hele gesin is by die see.


Teacher asks: Wie is by die see. Learners answer: Die hele gesin is by die see.

NB: If children don’t grasp the Afrikaans the first time, the teacher should repeat it and they should try until they get it. The more they HEAR, the better they will understand and SPEAK.

Teacher’s note: To re-inforce the vocabulary, children can come up to the picture and point at an object. All questions need to be asked in Afrikaans. Now individuals can also answer, e.g.: Wie kan vir my die tandeborsels wys?

Onderwysersnota: Om woordeskat vas te lê, kan kinders op die prent kom wys na ’n voorwerp. Alle vrae moet in Afrikaans gestel word. Nou kan individue ook antwoord, bv.: Wie kan vir my die tandeborsels wys?

Everything is being divided into sections and I suggest that each section gets done over two to four lessons, depending on how much content there is in a section. Two posters/themes can be used per term.